Sun 3 Nov 11:30 - 12:30
The French Connection
Nicolas Altstaedt, Thomas Dunford, Jonathan Cohen
Past event

The French Connection

Nicolas Altstaedt, Thomas Dunford, Jonathan Cohen
Sun 3 Nov 11:30 - 12:30
Main Hall
Past event
Sun 3 Nov
11:30 - 12:30
Past event

Music by famous gamba players and cellists


Vincenzo Bonizzi Pis ne peult venir
Marin Marais Feste Champêtre - Musette
Robert De Visée Prélude en mi mineur
Antoine Forqueray La Leclair
Jean-Baptiste Barrière Sonata in Bes
François Couperin Les Barricades Mystérieuses
Marin Marais Les Voix Humaines
Marin Marais Les Folies d’Espagne
Marin Marais La Rêveuse
Giovanni Platti Sonata in F 


Nicolas Altstaedt cello
Thomas Dunford lute
Jonathan Cohen harpsichord

Three great musical personalities get together once every so often to share in their shared love: French Baroque. In this era the cello was starting to gain popularity compared to the viola da gamba. Marin Marais and Antoine Forqueray remained well-known as gamba players, but Jean-Baptiste Barrière developed from a gamba player into a travelling cello soloist and composed countless cello sonatas.